9F, Yi Fang Tower

The client for this spacious office and exhibition hall designed by EDS is Surity, an independent sourcing company, and sanitary wares distributor. Of the total 1500 square meter space, 400 of which is dedicated to the product exhibition hall. The entire space is united by natural wooden elements and ethereal light fixtures, providing a stark, spirited contrast against old-fashioned and unimaginative office designs.

Of the two portions of this space, the exhibition hall proved the more challenging portion as various factors had to be taken into consideration while creating the design layout, such as the following: complex arrangement of numerous displays, careful storage of products and stocks, display lighting, as well as the testing and debugging of the exhibits. The transparent partition between the office and the exhibit hall also acts as an effective divider and decorative centerpiece, adding to the light aesthetic of the space. As a showcase area, it is imperative that the exhibition hall must be visually appealing yet functional.

An open layout is used for office design. Cubicles are left semi-open yet also partitioned, facilitating ease in conversation and interaction. To save on costs, the original ceiling will be reused, and to reduce disturbance and inconvenience to the employees, renovation and material replacement will be kept to a minimum.

Upon entering the space, diversity and a human-centric design are eminently felt. This space is a short distance from the break room and is set apart from the other spaces with the use of a clear divider to save on space.

The break room has been given a trendy facelift, giving it an artsy and fashionable feel. A small space close to the bar can be created by the balcony for relaxation. In the corner, several generously-sized and comfortable sofas lend a relaxed air to the room, while a chalkboard graffiti wall where people can express themselves adds a playful and interactive element to the design. The mobile socket is placed within easy and visible reach for everyone's convenience.

10th Floor, No. 95 Beijing West Road, Shanghai 200003


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Record Number
Shanghai ICP No. 12019318-3

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